Why our skin is aging?

Wrinkles, fine lines, furrows, discoloration, sagging and dark circles all that is the nightmare of people who wants to look greate. Today I'm going to tell you why we are aging and together we will try to take closer look at that proces and find out what can we do in oder to prevent fast aging and possibly reduce all signs of it.
 So there are two types of aging : - PHOTOAGING - which is sun - induced aging process ( learn more about how to protect yourself from photoaging in Photoaging preventing tips ) - BIOLOGICAL AGING - wich is aging supplemented with stress, a poor diet and smoking  Both of toss types of aging will give you the same older - looking skin.  The first change in aged skin is breakdown in the stratum corneum. As a result of which we will receive a greater water loss and dehydration which we are trying to prevent using our moisturizers. Another big change is the flattering of rete ridges. The result of flattened rete ridges is bad blood circulation since the surface area is lost and blood flow to the region declines a lot.  The decrease in blood circulation translates to a decline in antioxidant and anti - inflammatory nutrients as well as removal of metabolic waste.  The next one is disorganization of collagen fibers in dermis. When structure starts to become disorganized, it loses stability and things crumble so then skin can wrinkle and sag more easily.  There is also loss of GAGs ( glycosaminoglycans ) which are provide volume, firmness and hydration to dermis. Loss of muscle mass, bone integrity and subcutaneous fat that's all the reasons of visible signs of aging process. The problem is that all of these structures are lie below the epidermis and dermis and we can't see them and all we are doing just treating the top of our skin. We need to remember that we need to start to take care of our skin ASAP. All ethteticians, cosmetologists and scientists recomend us to start our skin care routine from 16 years in order to looks younger later. To learn more about what we can do to slow our aging process read Stop aging now. Easy tips how to be young forever.  
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